UNIT 11 Tenaga Kerja dan Modal
Money is not the only a means of exchange but also a means of measureing the value of men’s labour. in economic theory, 'labour' is any work undertaken in return for a fixed payment. The work undertaken by a mother in caring for her children may be hard work, but it receives no fixed payment. It is not therefore labor in the strict economic sense.
As a scientist, an economist is interested in measuring the services which people render to each other. although he is aware of the services which people provide for no financial reward, he is not concernd with these service. he is interested essentially in services which are measurable in terms of money payments of a fixed and / or regular nature. in economics, money is the standard by which the value of things is judged. This standard is not religious or subjective standard, but one objective and scientific one.
Human labour produces both goods and services. the activities of a farmworker and nurse are very different, but both are measurable in terms of receiving payment receivd. labour in this sense is not concerned with distinctions social class, but simply with the payment of wages as in return for work. when we talk about 'the national labour force’, however, we thiniking of all those people who are available for with in the nation,i.e. the working population.
It should be noted that any personengaged in private business is not paid a fixed sum for his activities. he and his self-employed and his
As a scientist, an economist is interested in measuring the services which people render to each other. although he is aware of the services which people provide for no financial reward, he is not concernd with these service. he is interested essentially in services which are measurable in terms of money payments of a fixed and / or regular nature. in economics, money is the standard by which the value of things is judged. This standard is not religious or subjective standard, but one objective and scientific one.
Human labour produces both goods and services. the activities of a farmworker and nurse are very different, but both are measurable in terms of receiving payment receivd. labour in this sense is not concerned with distinctions social class, but simply with the payment of wages as in return for work. when we talk about 'the national labour force’, however, we thiniking of all those people who are available for with in the nation,i.e. the working population.
It should be noted that any personengaged in private business is not paid a fixed sum for his activities. he and his self-employed and his
Uang bukan hanya alat tukar tetapi juga merupakan sarana untuk mengukur nilai kerja laki-laki. dalam teori ekonomi, 'tenaga kerja' adalah pekerjaan yang dilakukan sebagai imbalan untuk pembayaran tetap. pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh seorang ibu dalam merawat anak-anaknya dengan kerja keras, tetapi tidak menerima pembayaran tetap. karena itu tenaga kerja dalam arti ekonomi sangat ketat ketat.
Sebagai seorang ilmuwan, ekonom tertarik dalam mengukur jasa yang orang berikan satu sama lain. meskipun ia sadar akan jasa yang orang berikan tanpa imbalan keuangan, ia tidak peduli dengan layanan ini. ia tertarik pada dasarnya dalam jasa yang terukur dalam hal pembayaran uang yang tetap dan atau sifat biasa. di bidang ekonomi, uang adalah standar yang nilai harganya dinilai. standar ini bukan standar agama atau subyektif, tetapi satu tujuan dan ilmiah.Tenaga manusia memproduksi baik barang dan jasa. kegiatan buruh tani dan perawat sangat berbeda, tetapi keduanya terukur dalam hal terima pembayaran. tenaga kerja dalam pengertian ini tidak peduli dengan perbedaan kelas sosial, tetapi hanya dengan pembayaran upah sebagai imbalan kerja. ketika kita berbicara tentang 'tenaga kerja nasional, bagaimanapun, kita berpikir dari semua orang-orang yang tersedia untuk bekerja dalam bangsa, yaitu penduduk yang bekerja.
perlu di catat bahwa setiap orang yang terlibat dalam bisnis swasta tidak membayar jumlah tetap untuk setiap aktivitasnya. dia wiraswasta dan .
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